In the past, to visit the South Pacific, you had to drive the 44km stretch of road between Quepos and Dominical, a dirt road that seemed never ending. Navigating this relatively short stretchof road involved a grueling 2 hours of bone rattling washboard roads, with potholes, mud pits and very slow one lane bridges. Finally after many rumpurs of completion the Highway is 95% complete and once totally finished (in the next few weeks) the drive between the two towns will take just 25 minutes.
In addition to the Costanera, a new Highway has been constructed and is now open to ease the flow of traffic from the capital of San Jose to the Central Pacific port of Caldera. This highway has also cut journey times in half and provides a much safer travel for the large amounts of traffic that frequent this route. This 77km stretch of Highway means that from San Jose to PuraVidaEcolodge takes around 3 hours